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User interfaces​

Oculus Rift


The Oculus Rift clearly is a key device for the visualizer. The immersive experience offered by this device enhances the user experience at a level that is currently unmatch on a personnal computer. Oculus Rift is natively supported by the underlying SoL-RR engine and automatically switches to VR mode if the device is detected.

Razor Hydra


Thanks to Razor Hydra, IMV attaches molecules to controllers and allows intuitive manipulation of molecules. Razor Hydra also provides positionning information and enhances the feeling of holding the molecules.

Leap Motion


The Leap Motion device provides an easy and intuitive way to manipulate, or navigate around molecules in a "Google Earth" like experience.



The Kinect device offers 3D positionning information of the user, such as the location of the head for example. Combined with the Oculus Rift, Kinect make it possible to walk around the virtual molecule, making it even more intuitive to understand its shape and structure.

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